Where can I find help in Harmony, and provide help to my company users?
Harmony is structured to make it easy to find help, guidance, and explanations of the information you're seeking, and to customize the help displayed to your company users. The following items are some of the ways this is presented and configured:
- Help: The Help icon in the upper right takes you to the main help view, where you can search the Answer Base, ask a question of our AI chatbot, or submit a question to our human support team.
- From here you can also see your company's open support incidents, HERO system status, and report an outage.
- From here you can also see your company's open support incidents, HERO system status, and report an outage.
- Page Guides: Each main view provides a page guide with an overview of what you're seeing on the page, and what it means.
- Slide the page guide in or out of view with the Toggle Page Guide icon.
- Prevent a page guide from showing automatically with the Got It! Don't show this by default checkbox.
- Customize page guides with company specific information from Settings > Menu & Guides > Custom Page Guides. When you customize this, the page guide will again show even if a user selected not to show it by default, and an alert will indicate the guide has been recently changed. This is useful for scenarios where you update or revise your guides for users.
- Procedure Guides: Procedure guides are specific instructions you provide to your users from your own company policies and procedures. They display at the top of the view when the corresponding procedure is being processed. Configure these from Settings > Menu & Guides > Custom Procedure Guides. They are displayed each time the procedure is processed, but can be temporarily hidden by closing them.
- Help Tips: This is the most common guidance option in Harmony. They are usually accessed by selecting the small question mark icon beside an input field, but are also displayed on some non-inputs where the cursor changes to a question mark. Help tips give specific details on one specific item within the system.
- Info, Warning, Upgrade, and Error Bars: These bars are separately colored from the remainder of the view, and contain an indicator icon for the level of information they communicate. They typically show in conjunction with a section of information, to provide guidance and messages regarding processing, based on specific variables or selections. They are represented by the following colors:
- Grey: Information, review this for essential details regarding the process.
- Yellow: Warning, something needs to be considered before you continue this process.
- Red: Error, there is a problem that needs to be carefully reviewed and resolved before you continue.
- Blue: Upgrade, the process cannot be completed or is not available because an account upgrade is required to do so.
- Idea, Info, and Alert Boxes: These boxes pop up when a simple bar is not enough, you need to review the content, and either make a choice from the available buttons, or select OK/Skip to proceed.
- Idea: HERO Hank displays with an idea bubble with some information to help you be more efficient or save headaches.
- Info: HERO Hank displays with an info bubble to convey some important information to review and/or act on.
- Alert: HERO Hank displays with a consternation bubble to inform you that something has gone wrong and needs to be fixed, or cannot proceed.
- Wizards: These are linked processes, where the system will proceed through multiple steps to take you from start to finish, with guidance along the way.